What if I told you something?
The same ‘disadvantages’ that appear to limit your progress could be the ‘unfair advantages’ that can position you for continued success. I’m talking about the Underdog state of mind, about the ultimate blueprint that can ensure that you win, not just today, but also tomorrow. I’m referring to a state of mind where you have nothing to lose; where all you have is all you need and there’s only one voice in your head telling you, ‘I have what it takes to get to the top of that hill’. A set of principles that guarantee that you’re not the wolf on the hill, but rather the wolf climbing the hill. Knowing your story is not your fortress, but your fuel. When you compete in non-conventional ways…you will get laughed at or even criticised. ‘First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win’. — Mahatma Gandhi
The Underdog goes against conventional wisdom and strategically alters the rules of engagement to neutralise his opponents’ winning capabilities — his strength and his power. He renders his opponent irrelevant and flips the odds in his favour. In today’s world, using strategy parlance, we can say the Underdog typically embarks on a blue ocean shift (a market where you have less to no competition)!
This book is loaded with all the necessary blueprints to get you thinking, acting, and winning like the
Underdog! Nine times out of ten, the Underdog comes out with the win because the Underdog is hungrier than
the rest. The same way the wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill!
What if I told you something?
The same ‘disadvantages’ that appear to limit your progress could be the ‘unfair advantages’ that can position you for continued success. I’m talking about the Underdog state of mind, about the ultimate blueprint that can ensure that you win, not just today, but also tomorrow. I’m referring to a state of mind where you have nothing to lose; where all you have is all you need and there’s only one voice in your head telling you, ‘I have what it takes to get to the top of that hill’. A set of principles that guarantee that you’re not the wolf on the hill, but rather the wolf climbing the hill. Knowing your story is not your fortress, but your fuel. When you compete in non-conventional ways…you will get laughed at or even criticised. ‘First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win’. — Mahatma Gandhi
The Underdog goes against conventional wisdom and strategically alters the rules of engagement to neutralise his opponents’ winning capabilities — his strength and his power. He renders his opponent irrelevant and flips the odds in his favour. In today’s world, using strategy parlance, we can say the Underdog typically embarks on a blue ocean shift (a market where you have less to no competition)!
This book is loaded with all the necessary blueprints to get you thinking, acting, and winning like the
Underdog! Nine times out of ten, the Underdog comes out with the win because the Underdog is hungrier than
the rest. The same way the wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill!

“Are you entering a new phase of life be it work, business or making a pivot? Looking to level up or just unsure of your place in life and need some fuel to get you going! The Underdog code!” Imowo’s ability to distil life strategies in such an actionable way is consistently impressive. He speaks from the heart and truly lives by these principles! The underdog code book is a worthy life manual

"Love the authentic stories of an underdog with Imo vulnerably sharing his underdog position. But he is one who has successfully turned pain into propane! I can truly identify with him as I too had more than once been put in an underdog position in breaking through the markets of the giants. If you want to break the secret code from being an Underdog into a Champion Dog, then you must give this book a read!"

Ever caught yourself in frustration yelling “This is just so unfair!”… that moment that makes you want to throw down the towel and walk away? Well Imo did a great job reframing how to use challenges and setbacks as your fuel rather than barriers, to win in life. A relatable and inspiring read, that makes you want to keep turning the page, not only for past inspiring success stories, but also in search for the whats and hows you need, so you can apply this to yourself. This book is an anecdote to this frequent quote “No one said Life is fair”, because it does not matter where you are at the starting line, you can cross at the front of the finish line, not once, twice but continuously!

"Imo skillfully weaved through stories of underdogs, ranging from his personal experience to examples in the world of sports and entertainment. In a compelling and easy-to-read manner, he shows us the kind of mindset needed to win in life. The Underdog Code is a must-read for anyone who loves to win."
Goal-setting may be the Problem!
Overtime, I have come to understand that what happens between making the plan and arriving at the outcome is best described by the iceberg analogy – achieving a goal is just the tip of the iceberg.
I struggled for some time with my perception of success as well as my interpretation of what winning meant. I came from a background where ‘beginning with the end in mind’ – one of the tenets of the seven habits – was a way of life and part of an overwhelming focus on achievement. With this approach, everything was about the results (the what) with less emphasis on the journey (the how).
As a team leader with several years of management and leadership experience under my belt, I have learned first-hand that these things makes the most difference for success. These principles have worked for me and now I want to share them with people who have walked in the same shoes and help them raise the bar on what they can do.
In writing this book, I break the method down into simple, practical steps that are an easy-to-follow blueprint for success.
This approach cuts across all age brackets and these simple principles have been applied by many phenomenal individuals to drive them to win in the game of life. I have tested these systems and methods with over a hundred people who have had similar struggles to my own. These volunteers gave valuable feedback which I have incorporated into the frameworks you will see.
With these tools, you will be able to disrupt your existing methods as you establish complementary building blocks to amplify your efforts towards your goals.

Goal-setting may be the Problem!
Overtime, I have come to understand that what happens between making the plan and arriving at the outcome is best described by the iceberg analogy – achieving a goal is just the tip of the iceberg.
I struggled for some time with my perception of success as well as my interpretation of what winning meant. I came from a background where ‘beginning with the end in mind’ – one of the tenets of the seven habits – was a way of life and part of an overwhelming focus on achievement. With this approach, everything was about the results (the what) with less emphasis on the journey (the how).
As a team leader with several years of management and leadership experience under my belt, I have learned first-hand that these things makes the most difference for success. These principles have worked for me and now I want to share them with people who have walked in the same shoes and help them raise the bar on what they can do.
In writing this book, I break the method down into simple, practical steps that are an easy-to-follow blueprint for success.
This approach cuts across all age brackets and these simple principles have been applied by many phenomenal individuals to drive them to win in the game of life. I have tested these systems and methods with over a hundred people who have had similar struggles to my own. These volunteers gave valuable feedback which I have incorporated into the frameworks you will see.
With these tools, you will be able to disrupt your existing methods as you establish complementary building blocks to amplify your efforts towards your goals.

“Setting Goals without Achieving them is daydreaming.” —Pegah Gol “Imowo in his book shares practical ways on how to stop daydreaming & achieve your goals. Great tools to fill the gap between setting goals to achieving them.” “Congratulations on achieving your goal and publishing your first book Imowo”

“I cannot agree more to what Imowo has to offer in this book. The brain wiring happens as soon as you set your goals. The shift from outcome to process is very well explained in the book. I would recommend any adult struggling to keep with their goals to read and most importantly apply the frameworks provided by Imowo”

I encourage you to read this unique book about how to achieve the dreams that you often keep on the back burner…it’s packed with practical tools that will get you moving, but more importantly will help you strategize about how to achieve those goals. Of particular interest to me as a synchronicity thought leader is that Imo is one of the first people to write about synchronicity in relation to attracting your goals So often goal setting is seen as a left brained rational activity and it is pleasing to see that Imo brings head and heart together in the pursuit of meaningful goals

This is a thought-provoking piece that speaks to the mind of one’s mind. It changes the perspective of the mundane meaning of goal setting that gives a clearer meaning using deliberate exercises that allows the reader to personalize their outcome using a roadmap. Personally, I love the empiricism style of transparency, inspection and adaptation being used in the book to guide both an individual and an organization to achieving desirable results.

" In a fast-paced world always looking to leapfrog to the end result, Imowo shifts the focus to the importance of the journey to get there. Ultimately, if done right with purpose and mindfulness, this is what allows the accomplishment of our goals Imowo’s book is a true page-turner with exercises to apply for your own goal-achieving journey! “

Imowo's book is both inspiring and thought-provoking. I particularly resonate with the chapter on disrupting your methods by creating powerful connections. Here Imowo talks about the power of mental imagery and its impact on achieving our goals. A must-read for anyone who wants to excel in any aspect of life. Absolutely brilliant!

"Many of us know that gratifying feeling of having your to-do list all checked out, now imagine cracking the code to have such euphoric feelings time and time again. In this phenomenal book, Imowo in practical terms demystifies the journey between aspirations and achievements. This is a highly recommended reading for everyone on a path to self-actualization"

"Don't Set Goals..." will keep you engaged the moment you pick it up right until you complete it! Imowo de-mystifies the black hole that exists between setting goals and actually achieving them. I highly recommend this to young people starting their journeys and even more experienced executives who need a road map to success!

Imowo lays out a visual path, brick by brick to discovering and appreciating your purpose, passion, and journey in reaching your end goals. Some of his passages reminded me of the Dalai Lama’s teachings, which from my rudimentary knowledge are about living in the present and giving to others. I wish I had had Imowo’s engaging book as a guide when I first started my self-discovery journey, but it's never too late to learn more about yourself!